ECONOWAR – a song by PH4SE REVOLUTION (c) 2020
ECONOWAR – Lyrics by PH4SE REVOLUTION (c) 2020
Once upon a time
We used swords to defend ourselves from tyranny and oppression
The war was real and our bodies fighting like our souls would do
That’s the time of heroes, that’s the time of truth
Now please tell me, who is your enemy now?
Every day there is something new scaring us
nothing seems in our hands.
Fear and weakness everywhere.
Why? Is this the truth?
Do you feel stuck in a system that asks you all of you in exchange for money you use to buyback a piece of yourself?
RIT – Instrumental
Hex has established a reversed values matrix:
nothin’ seems to have any sense except for money.
So you lose everything to get poor things.
We fight A War with hidden enemies.
A War against controlled poverty,
A War against mental control,
A War against our fears,
A War against everything we are told to do to feel safe.
This is an econowar and with this fat cats want to take control.
This is an econowar, where there were swords, now there are financial armies and communication.
Why? Is this the truth?
Be AWare that you’re stuck in a system that asks you all of you in exchange for money
You use to buyback a piece of yourself!!!
Please remember who you are.
We want you all to wake up now.
You were born to be free and independent.
Stop thinking like they want to.
Think and act like your deepest evokes